From Sherly's Desk
Story time
This Week's Riddle #35
Answer of Riddle #34 and Winner
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Sherly's Desk:
October 31st is observed as Halloween or all saints day. History tells us
that it originally came from the Roman harvest festival - Pomona and
druidism. It is commonly believed that before winter the spirits of dead
people visit their loved ones. It is also the time when people believed
that evil spirits come and destroy crops, steal away their infants and
create trouble in their lives. This is also known as "festival of
dead". This festival is celebrated both to drive away spirits and as
harvest festival. In these celebrations symbols of ghosts, witches,
skulls, black cats, spiders etc. are used to terrorize evil spirits and
ghosts to protect their crop and their loved ones.
But the most amazing thing is that Christians have adopted this festival
in their Churches and homes. They display symbols of witchcraft and
demonic things in their homes and Churches. How tragic it is that people
think, if they display these symbols, they will drive away evil powers but
reality is somewhat different. Without their knowledge they are inviting
devil and evil spirits to come and live in their homes. If you really want
to drive away devil from your lives there is only one method i.e. Jesus.
The name of Jesus is so powerful that demons tremble before Him. Bible
says in Mat 8:16, "When evening had come, they
brought to Him many who were demon-possessed. And He cast out the spirits
with a word, and healed all who were sick"
Yes, Jesus' word has power to cast out all demons, sickness, curse and the
problems of your lives. You need not to observe Halloween, you need not to
put evil symbols in your homes. You need not to fear those evil powers
that want to destroy your life, your crop, your business or your family.
But you need Jesus in your life. When Jesus comes in, He gives protection
that no one else can give it to you. He will bless your lives. If you are
celebrating Halloween/harvest festival, get out of it, it is evil, it is
demonic. Repent from your sins and turn to Jesus. Give your life to Jesus
and you will never be the same again.

Second trip of Joseph's brothers to Egypt
Now the
famine was severe in the land. And
it came to pass, when they had eaten up the grain which they had brought
from Egypt, that their father said to Joseph's brothers, "Go back,
buy us a little food." But
Judah spoke to him, saying, "The man solemnly warned us, saying, 'You
shall not see my face unless your brother is with you.
If you send our brother with us, we will go down and buy you food.
But if you will not send him, we will not go down; for the man said
to us, 'You shall not see my face unless your brother is with you.'"
And Israel said, "Why did you deal so wrongfully with me as to
tell the man whether you had still another brother?"
But they said, "The man asked us pointedly about ourselves and
our family, saying, 'Is your father still alive? Have you another
brother?' And we told him according to these words. Could we possibly have
known that he would say, 'Bring your brother down'?"
Judah said to Israel his father, "Send the lad with me, and we will
arise and go, that we may live and not die, both we and you and also our
little ones. I myself will be
surety for him; from my hand you shall require him. If I do not bring him
back to you and set him before you, then let me bear the blame forever.
if we had not lingered, surely by now we would have returned this second
their father Israel said to them, "If it must be so, then do this:
Take some of the best fruits of the land in your vessels and carry down a
present for the man; a little balm and a little honey, spices and myrrh,
pistachio nuts and almonds. Take
double money in your hand, and take back in your hand the money that was
returned in the mouth of your sacks; perhaps it was an oversight.
Take your brother also, and arise, go back to the man.
And may God Almighty give you mercy before the man, that he may
release your other brother and Benjamin. If I am bereaved, I am
the men took that present and Benjamin, and they took double money in
their hand, and arose and went down to Egypt; and they stood before
Joseph. When Joseph saw
Benjamin with them, he said to the steward of his house, "Take these
men to my home, and slaughter an animal and make ready; for these men will
dine with me at noon." Then
the man did as Joseph ordered, and the man brought the men into Joseph's
house. Now the men were
afraid because they were brought into Joseph's house; and they said,
"It is because of the money, which was returned in our sacks the
first time, that we are brought in, so that he may make a case against us
and fall upon us, to take us as slaves with our donkeys."
When they drew near to the steward of Joseph's house, they talked
with him at the door of the house, and
said, "O sir, we indeed came down the first time to buy food;
but it happened, when we came to the encampment, that we opened our
sacks, and there, each man's money was in the mouth of his sack, our money
in full weight; so we have brought it back in our hand.
And we have brought down other money in our hands to buy food. We
do not know who put our money in our sacks."
he said, "Peace be with you, do not be afraid. Your God and the God
of your father has given you treasure in your sacks; I had your
money." Then he brought Simeon out to them.
So the man brought the men into Joseph's house and gave them water,
and they washed their feet; and he gave their donkeys feed.
Then they made the present ready for Joseph's coming at noon, for
they heard that they would eat bread there.
when Joseph came home, they brought him the present which was in their
hand into the house, and bowed down before him to the earth.
Then he asked them about their well-being, and said, "Is your
father well, the old man of whom you spoke? Is he still alive?"
And they answered, "Your servant our father is in good health;
he is still alive." And they bowed their heads down and prostrated
themselves. Then he lifted
his eyes and saw his brother Benjamin, his mother's son, and said,
"Is this your younger brother of whom you spoke to me?" And he
said, "God be gracious to you, my son."
Now his heart yearned for his brother; so Joseph made haste and
sought somewhere to weep. And he went into his chamber and wept there. Then he washed his face and came out; and he restrained
himself, and said, "Serve the bread."
they set him a place by himself, and them by themselves, and the Egyptians
who ate with him by themselves; because the Egyptians could not eat food
with the Hebrews, for that is an abomination to the Egyptians.
And they sat before him, the firstborn according to his birthright
and the youngest according to his youth; and the men looked in
astonishment at one another. Then
he took servings to them from before him, but Benjamin's serving was five
times as much as any of theirs. So they drank and were merry with him.

Jesus, Son of Maryam, heal me - 11
this time you have read that, Gulshan Fatima was paralyzed at her left side
when she was only 6 months old. Her mother died when she was an infant. Her
father loved her so much that he took her to England for treatment but when
they heard the disappointing words of doctor, "it has no cure",
their hearts broke down. Her father encouraged her and said, "We will
go to Mecca and knock the door of Allah, and he will heal you." So they
went to Mecca and visited Ka'aba - the house of Allah. Even she kissed the
cubical shape of ka'aba but to their utter despair nothing happened. To
avoid her father's troubled look, she kept her face down. Then they visited
Safa and Marva from where they bought Zamzam water. She bathed with that
water but nothing happened. She and her father returned home heart broken.
Next blow for her was, her beloved father's death!! But while she was so
disturbed, she heard a low, gentle voice telling her to read about Jesus in
Quran Sura Maryam. She started reading Urdu Quran and started praying,
"O Jesus, Son of Maryam, heal me!! Three years later her prayers were
answered with a marvelous vision of Jesus. Jesus personally came and healed
her. From the very first day, she realized the growing opposition from her
relatives and acquaintance. Three weeks after she got a Bible. While reading
the Bible she discovered the amazing fact about the Lord's Prayer that was
taught by Jesus to her in her vision which was found in the Bible word by
word. Later she realized that baptism is necessary according to the Bible,
so she took baptism.
After taking baptism she asked Rev. Aslam Khan about witnessing but he
refused saying, "You can witness by your actions, it is not necessary
to witness by your mouth." But she precisely remembered the words of
Jesus saying, "You are my witness, go to my people..." She
insisted saying, "it seems to me that Jesus wants me to witness before
others, can I speak in Church?" When Rev. Aslam refused her proposal,
she said, "Let me go back to my home and witness to my family."
She said, "I want to do that at any cost." No they will not like
your baptism and they can harm you", said Rev. Aslam. Though she did
not believe that there may be any danger from her own family members but she
asked, "could I go to a Bible college so that I may learn more to
witness them." Rev. Aslam looked at her as she was insisting very hard.
Rev. Aslam told her firmly that she couldn't do it because she is very young
in her faith. But he said that any job in a Christian institute would be
better for her. So he arranged for her to work as housemother in Sunrise
School for the Blind where she took care of small group of blind children.
She experienced a new beginning with new destination and total cutoff of her
old life. In her section there were 40 students. Half of them were Muslims
and others were Christians. She got a meager income of Rs. 40/- but it did
not bother her. She had to look after younger boys, make their beds, help
them to wash their clothes, to be their eyes when they go around, be with
them at meal times etc. She also had the work of cleaning windows and
tables. There were two more housemothers who were cousins. They did not
speak to her at first but later on they became friends and helped her in her
difficult tasks. They also interpreted her message to principal who knew
only English not Urdu. As soon as she joined, she called her younger brother
Alim Shah and told that she became a Christian and working in a school for
Blind Children.
It was unpleasant news for him. He said, "What have you done, come back
home and forget everything." But she said, "I have found the way,
the truth and the life, how can I forget and leave all these things?"
He said, "you are gone mad, if you talk like this, my doors are closed
for you forever, you are dead for me... I do not want to see your face
anymore." She smiled and said, "Its ok if your door is closed but
my heavenly father's door is open and if I am dead for you, it is as you
said, I am dead in Christ." He did not reply to her words but banged
the receiver and hanged off the phone. The same day she wrote to her uncle
and elder brother Safdar Shah saying that she became a Christian and took
baptism. She waited for their reply with anxious expectations that they may
allow her to live among them but from the bottom of her heart she knew that
it would never happen.
Days passed by working among blind children and telling the stories from
Bible to them. Every time when she opened the Bible to read, she felt as if
someone is interpreting for her. One day she got letter from her brother
Safdar Shah saying, he never expected this type of news from her. He
continued, "You are my beloved sister who used to love God very much
and father loved you so much and taught you about Islam. Daughter of a Sayed
cannot go the way you are going, turn back. You believe in Jesus as God's
son that is not good for our family or religion. You know that father left
so much property in your name and all the deeds are with me which cannot be
given to a Christian." He further wrote, "Because the whole
Pakistan knows about your conversion, the properties no longer belong to you
or cannot be given to you." He also wrote, "if you will not leave
Christianity, I will leave no stone unturned to bring you back. Islam gives
me the right to kill a sister who turned from Islam to Christianity and can
still go to heaven."
As she read the mail, her heart was filled with grief that her brother was
treating her in this way though she had legal rights on those properties.
She was comforted by the verses from the Bible while reading John 14th
chapter where Jesus promised home for believers, "Let
not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My
Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you.
I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I
will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be
also. And where I go you know, and the way you know." (John 14:1)
Three days later she got a ten page letter from her uncle saying, "Have
you become an atheist, come back to your religion and your home." She
stood there with the letter afraid and filled with doubt praying, "O
Lord Jesus, I did not do anything wrong for them but why are they behaving
with me like this? Will you tell me what answers should be given to
After much prayers she wrote back to him giving the Bible verses saying:
1. I have found the Way: She referred John
10:9, "I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and
will go in and out and find pasture." She
also wrote that, when a person wants to enter into a home, he/she has to go
through door of that home and Jesus is the door to God or heaven.
2. I have found the Truth: She quoted Jesus' words found in John
8:45-46,"But because I tell the truth, you do not believe Me. Which of
you convicts Me of sin? And if I tell the truth, why do you not believe
3. I have found the Life: John 11:25 Jesus said
to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me,
though he may die, he shall live.
4. I have found forgiveness of sin.
5. I have found eternal life: John 3:16
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that
whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
She challenged him saying, "Prove by all these five points whether I am
an atheist, if not, take my warning not to call me an atheist." She
never got any reply of that mail but later she heard about her uncle and
aunty that they packed their belongings and left Pakistan and went to Iran.
Because they feared Safdar Shah who was accusing them for not preventing the
conversion of Gulshan.
December came, it was the time of Christmas and this was the first Christmas
for her. Some children went home and some stayed there, so they decorated
the school's dining room with a small manger and tree with lights on it. It
was a time of excitement and joy for everyone. But soon after Christmas, one
unexpected guest came to meet her and gave her the tragic news about her
sister Anis. At the visitor's room she saw her brother-in-law Blund Shah
standing with completely exhausted and crushed looks. He told her that Anis
was seriously ill as she was seven months pregnant and the child was dead
and doctors could not stop the bleeding. She is about to die and she is
repeating your name. I have a car outside, would you come with me right
away, he asked?
Oh yes, but I have to take permission first. She left that room to take
permission but a tiny whisper told her, "She will be dead by the time
you will reach, it may be a waste of time and it is possible that they may
never allow you to return." So before taking permission from the
principal she went to her room and prayed and got clear answer from God,
"You go down to her, I will keep her alive, she will not die." She
took two days leave, packed her bag within a little time and went with him
at 5PM. After three hours journey they reached Gujerat where her sister was
living in a rented bungalow from the last three months. As soon as they
reached there, they were greeted with the dreadful news, "She is
dead". Gulshan went to the room where Anis was lying. Her sister's face
was turned to yellowish gray color and lips were blue. Room was filled with
mourners; many relatives and neighbors came to pay their last respects.
Gulshan knelt down beside the bed and cried out to God, "O, Jesus you
told me that she will not die, you will keep her alive. What would I do now?
She is dead." Gulshan continued her prayer saying, "O, Jesus you
are the way, the truth the life, so please resurrect her “ She continued
praying until the thought came to her strongly, "She will not die, I
will keep her alive." So she prayed, "Please put some life in her
for few moments so that I may talk about you." She heard a voice saying
to her, "She is not dead but she is alive. I have added to her
Gulshan stood up and said to everybody, "Why are you crying? She is not
dead - she is alive." People said, "She is mad, lock her up in
other room." So they locked her up in a bedroom. Her prayers did not
stop there. She continually prayed, "Lord please wake her up so that
they may believe." People outside were preparing the coffin for her
sister. Her sister's clothes were changed and they washed her body once. But
they would wash her body second time and as it was night they postponed it
for next day morning. At 8AM the next day her room's door opened and she was
released to pay her last respect to her sister. She stood at Anis' bedside
with few other ladies. Imam's wife said the Kalmas over her body and her
body was handed over to three other ladies for final bath. She saw red henna
on her sister's hands which was the sign of happiness and blood. After that
they will wrap her with a sheet and put her in her coffin.
Suddenly Anis moved her hand, opened her eyes and sat upright. Looking
toward others in wonder she asked, "What happened?" There was
commotion and tremendous panic in the room. People screamed, fell backward
and some ran away from that room. Gulshan looked at Anis and embraced her.
Many looked at Gulshan and asked, "What have you done, how could a dead
person sit?" She smiled and said, "Ask her what happened."
Anis said, "Don't be afraid of me, I am alive."
Her husband and Imam and other people came running on hearing the news.
Maulvi touched the head of Anis and asked, "daughter, tell me, what
really happened to you? 14 hours ago you were dead and we were preparing for
your funeral. Anis said, "I was not dead but I was sleeping. Lady
doctor said with emphasis, "You were dead, there was no life in
you." "No I was not dead but I was sleeping, Anis said. She said
further, "While sleeping I saw a dream that there was a ladder and I
was about to put my foot on ladder. At the top of that ladder there was a
man standing in white robs. He was wearing a gold crown and light was coming
from his forehead". She also saw that he put his hand on her and light
was coming from his hand. He said, "I am Jesus Christ. I am the King of
kings. I will send you back and at the appointed time I will bring you back
again." She said, "At that moment I opened my eyes." Her face
was beaming with joy. Whole house was filled with joy that cannot be
described. Gulshan took opportunity to talk about Jesus.
Anis’ husband who showed the most opposition when Gulshan became a
Christian now said that, "her prayers have brought his wife's life
back." Three days later when all the guests left her home Anis’
husband asked, "Who is this great prophet you have seen?" Gulshan
took out her Quran and showed about Jesus from Sura Maryam and also from the
Bible where Jesus raised dead Lazarus and gave new life in John 11:43-44.
He slowly said, "I believe that it is Jesus, Son of Mary who gave
second life to my wife." He seemed very happy and accepted what Gulshan
told. Anis told her vision of Jesus to everyone even to Imams who listened
very carefully but after listening they disfavored Gulshan.
be continued....
This week's Riddle
Angel was sent to her to tell a gift of son, who will be called
the son of the Most High. And he will be given the kingdom of his father David. Who he was and to whom the angel delivered the
Kids, who will be able to answer correctly, their names will be published
here. While answering please do not forget to write your "name" and "age" To send your answers click here

of Riddle #34 and Winner
They were twelve but one of them was thief. Who was he?
One of Jesus' disciples was thief whose name was Judas Iscariot who
was the son of Simon.
Riddle was taken from: John 12:2-8
Bincy A Thomas, 13 yrs, Kuwait.
Bevin A. Thomas, 12 yrs, Kuwait,
Bryan A. Thomas, 8 yrs, Kuwait.
Amos, 8yrs
Geslyn Reeba George, 13yrs were successful in sending the correct answer.

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