Story time
This Week's Riddle #37
Answer of Riddle #36 and Winner
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there was no bread in all the land; for the famine was very severe, so
that the land of Egypt and the land of Canaan languished because of the
famine. And Joseph gathered
up all the money that was found in the land of Egypt and in the land of
Canaan, for the grain which they bought; and Joseph brought the money into
Pharaoh's house. So when the
money failed in the land of Egypt and in the land of Canaan, all the
Egyptians came to Joseph and said, "Give us bread, for why should we
die in your presence? For the money has failed." Then Joseph said, "Give your livestock, and I will give
you bread for your livestock, if the money is gone." So they brought their livestock to Joseph, and Joseph gave
them bread in exchange for the horses, the flocks, the cattle of the
herds, and for the donkeys. Thus he fed them with bread in exchange for
all their livestock that year.
that year had ended, they came to him the next year and said to him,
"We will not hide from my lord that our money is gone; my lord also
has our herds of livestock. There is nothing left in the sight of my lord
but our bodies and our lands. Why
should we die before your eyes, both we and our land? Buy us and our land
for bread, and we and our land will be servants of Pharaoh; give us seed,
that we may live and not die, that the land may not be desolate."
Then Joseph bought all the land of Egypt for Pharaoh; for every man
of the Egyptians sold his field, because the famine was severe upon them.
So the land became Pharaoh's. And
as for the people, he moved them into the cities, from one end of the
borders of Egypt to the other end. Only
the land of the priests he did not buy; for the priests had rations
allotted to them by Pharaoh, and they ate their rations which Pharaoh gave
them; therefore they did not sell their lands.
Joseph said to the people, "Indeed I have bought you and your land
this day for Pharaoh. Look, here is seed for you, and you shall sow the
land. And it shall come to
pass in the harvest that you shall give one-fifth to Pharaoh. Four-fifths
shall be your own, as seed for the field and for your food, for those of
your households and as food for your little ones."
So they said, "You have saved our lives; let us find favor in
the sight of my lord, and we will be Pharaoh's servants."
And Joseph made it a law over the land of Egypt to this day, that
Pharaoh should have one-fifth, except for the land of the priests only,
which did not become Pharaoh's.

Jesus, Son of Maryam, heal me - 15
this time you have read that, Gulshan Fatima was paralyzed at her left
side when she was only 6 months old. Her mother died when she was an
infant. Her father loved her so much that he took her to England for
treatment but when they heard the disappointing words of doctor, "it
has no cure", their hearts broke down. Her father encouraged her and
said, "We will go to Mecca and knock the door of Allah, and he will
heal you." So they went to Mecca and visited Ka'aba - the house of
Allah. Even she kissed the cubical shape of ka'aba but to their utter
despair nothing happened. To avoid her father's troubled look, she kept
her face down. Then they visited Safa and Marva from where they bought
Zamzam water. She bathed with that water but nothing happened. She and her
father returned home heart broken. Next blow for her was, her beloved
father's death!! But while she was so disturbed, she heard a low, gentle
voice telling her to read about Jesus in Quran Sura Maryam. She started
reading Urdu Quran and started praying, "O Jesus, Son of Maryam, heal
me!! Three years later her prayers were answered with a marvelous vision
of Jesus. Jesus personally came and healed her. From the very first day,
she realized the growing opposition from her relatives and acquaintance.
Three weeks later she got a Bible. While reading the Bible she discovered
the amazing fact that the Lord's Prayer, which was taught by Jesus to her
in her vision, was found in the Bible word by word. Later she realized
that baptism was necessary according to the Bible, so she took baptism and
she was given the new name Gulshan Esther. She was rejected by her family
members. Then she heard that her sister was dying. She went to see her but
by that time she was dead. But God had told her that her sister will not
die but will live. The miracle happened exactly. She came back to life
after 14 hours. But when Gulshan returned to her school, she found that
she had no job any longer. She returned to her sister's home but soon
Anis's husband told her to get out of his house. So Gulshan went to
Rawalpindi as advised by Anis but she was trapped.... She spent few months
in Jail and seven women of her room turned to God and repented from their
sins. She went to spend time with her brother Alim Shah but it was
devastating as her brother tried to kill her with his hand gun but she
escaped miraculously... She left her brother's home and stayed with one
Christian family from where she searched for job. After long search she
got one job as reporter in a magazine company. But she lost that job also
and was devastated.
On 30th December's morning when Gulshan was reading a book, Mrs. Neelam
said, "You have a visitor." She looked in surprise and saw Mr.
Gill an elder from the Church at Foreman Christian College. He gave her
the invitation of Rev. Arthur of Methodist Church saying, "Rev.
Arthur invites you to preach on New Year service. Preach the message of
your choice." She wasn't prepared for this invitation as she thought
of the influential people of Foreman Christian College and she thought,
"How can I stand before them and preach?" She was about to say
no but she remembered the words of Jesus spoken to her on the night of her
healing, "Go and preach among my people."
When Jesus gave her this commission at that time she was not ready to
preach but her hard way of life had taught her many lessons. She had
learned over the time that if number of factors fit together, it can be
taken as a green light from God like some new door opening and in line
with the prophecy or word given, and inward peace that will assure that
the taken action is right.
She told him, "I will come, but how can I reach there from this
house?" Mr Gill told her that she could stay with him in his house at
Wadat Colony that was near to the college. Next day Mr. Gill came to take
her to his house. She was gripped with fear but she knelt down and prayed
to Jesus, "It is four years now when I saw you, how I will tell about
you and how I am going to describe you?" In those moments she heard
the small, still voice, "My Spirit will be with you." Her heart
was filled with joy.
Of course she had never faced such a crowd in her whole life where
doctors, teachers, professionals, nurses and highly qualified people
attended the meeting. But she felt a great power, which gave her boldness
to face such a crowd. She spoke of the grace of God who healed her and
also her sufferings. People listened to every word carefully with
attention. Many came to meet her later on and told her, "It was
powerful"... "they did not even know how the time went
by."... Women had tears in their eyes and they gave their address.
She also got some offerings. She thought about the new turn of her life
with amazement and longed that her brothers would hear about this too.
This event opened new doors of preaching for her. She was invited to take
regular women's meeting in the Church at Foreman Christian College. Many
Churches invited her to preach and they met her expenses. She left her
teaching job in Mr. Yusuf's house and came into full time ministry of
evangelism. In the month of April and May she lived with some friends in
Canal Park.
She was invited in Women's summer camp at Mubarik in Murree which was
8,000 feet above sea level at the foothill of Himalayas. It was a hill
station and holiday home for many wealthy families. It was two and
half-hour journey from Rawalpindi by bus. Gulshan was invited as main
speaker for that women's camp for one week. Mrs. Hadayat and Gulshan had
planned to leave on Friday morning at 4 O'clock. She was excited to have
her first train journey in her life. But on Thursday morning around 10
O'clock her sister Samina's son came and invited her saying, "Mother
wants you to be a guest in marriage which would take place on Saturday.
But as she had to go for the women's meeting she told Mahmood that she
would not be able to attend his marriage. Further she explained that as
all the relatives were against her because of her belief she did not want
to be of trouble in his wedding. And also she had to go for the meeting.
Mahmood left with a bad feeling but he returned again by 2 pm. He gave the
message of his mother that she will not allow for him getting married
until he brings Gulshan in. He had tears in his eyes. Gulshan suggested
that she can take advice of Mr. and Mrs. Hadayat whether she could attend
his marriage and leave his home in time to catch the connecting bus from
Rawalpindi to Murree on Sunday morning. Mahmood's face brightened. Mr. and
Mrs. Hidayat said, "it would be a witness for your family so you
should go." They looked into maps and found out that there was a bus
from Badami Bagh, Lahore to Rawalpindi at 12 midnight on Saturday which
would take her in time to catch the Murree bus early morning so that she
could speak at Sunday afternoon.
Her nephew promised to come and pick her up for wedding next day. The
wedding was a disaster for her. Many turned their back and thought that it
was a great offence for them. Some were in the mood of Jihad. So she could
not find time to talk to her sisters Samina and Anis. Many asked,
"Why do you believe in Jesus as the Son of God?" She had her
Bible but she spoke the words which came on her lips with boldness. She
knew that it might be her last chance to speak about Jesus. So she spoke
to every person who showed the slightest interest. As time passed on she
did not even find time to eat or drink. One by one her opponents went away
saying, "She is mad, leave her alone... she is not related to her,
don't speak to her.." Safdar Shah did not come to the wedding because
he heard that Gulshan was attending and Alim Shah stayed with the male
guests who did not come to meet her.
Suddenly she noticed that it was already 11 pm. She heard a voice saying
to her, "You are going to witness in Murree Tomorrow and you are
still here." She rushed to her sister's room asked if anybody could
drop her to Badami Bagh? But Samina's car was used by other guests and
Anis was busy with her in-laws. When she told the other relatives they
spoke to her, "We do not want to pollute our car, ask your Jesus to
take you." Samina asked her to stay at night and leave in the
morning. Her advice was quite sensible as it was not good for a woman to
stand alone in the streets. But she felt an urgency to leave that place.
She slipped without saying goodbye to anybody and stood by the roadside.
She walked nervously under the mulberry tree and prayed, "Lord, you
have made me holy, please take care of me and help me to reach the bus
station in time. I am all in your hands." When she finished her
prayer, tears were streaming on her face and she felt the thick presence
of God around her and she felt safe.
Then she heard the sound of the engine of a motorcycle faraway coming
nearer. Then she saw headlight and when it came near she could see a
hooded rickshaw. She prayed that he may stop for her and waved her hand. Rickshaw
came near her and stopped. She said, "Can you take me to
Badami Bagh as soon as possible so that I could catch the bus to
Rawalpindi?" She could not see his face as he had some kind of hood
but he nodded and she got in without thinking anything whether he was a
villain or wrong person who can take advantage of her situation. She felt
that road and trees were passing very quickly and when she reached Badami
Bagh her watch showed that fifteen miles were covered in just five
minutes. The rickshaw driver without a word took her luggage and put it in
Watan Transportation bus for Rawalpindi. He was well built and wore a
strange long robe of dull brown color. She thought he might be a Pathan.
He put her luggage under a seat near front and was about to walk away
without asking for Rickshaw fare. When Gulshan stopped him to ask how much
she has to pay, he half turned and said, "God has sent me to help
you, go in peace. Then he rolled back his sleeves where she could see a
name written with golden letters Patrus (Peter). She tried to see his face
but saw only his brilliant eyes. Her eyes welled up with tears, she wiped
away her tears and when she looked again, he was vanished without taking
any money.
She took her seat and found that she was the only woman alone in that bus
without a burkha. She reached Rawalpindi at 4:45 in the morning. Then she
took another bus for Murree. It was a slow journey through winding
twisted, narrow and dangerous hill road. She reached Murree by 11 AM. And
that week turned for her to be an extraordinary week. She ministered
hurting women and God's healing power moved and healed their lives. This
opened many larger doors for her to preach in big conferences and big
meetings. She went through out the whole of Pakistan preaching the Gospel
of Jesus Christ and praying for sick and suffering.
Her eldest sister Anis Bibi who accepted Jesus and lived a secret
Christian life because of the pressure of her family died on 14th March
1977. Gulshan was with her in the last moments of her life comforting her.
For many years Gulshan lived with friends but finally believers raised
some money and purchased a home for her. She lived in that home with her
two adopted daughters, one son and their grandfather. Today she is a
powerful preacher who preaches among those who are behind the veil of
This week's Riddle
When they heard that "King of the Jews" is born they came to
see him
from east. Who were they?
Kids, who will be able to answer correctly, their names will be published
here. While answering please do not forget to write your "name" and "age" To send your answers click here

of Riddle #36 and Winner
the Bible speak anything about Santa Clause? If yes, please give at least
one reference from the Bible..
No, Bible does not speak anything about Santa Claus!
Sorry, this time we did not receive any correct

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