Kid's Good News
Vol 1-issue 17-June 6 -2002

Story Time
This Week's Riddle 

Story Time
Story of Teddy Bear

Over the years Teddy bear became children's most favorite plaything.  Let us look at the history of Teddy bear.

Former US President Theodore Teddy Roosevelt loved animals though he was an avid hunter.  In 1902 almost a century ago, he went to solve the border dispute between the states of Louisiana and Mississippi.  During a break his friends invited him to go for bear hunting.  After a while when they could not hunt any bear his friends brought one baby bear to him and asked him to shoot that baby bear. 

Roosevelt refused to shoot that helpless captive baby bear, believing such an act to be beneath his dignity as a hunter and as a man: "If I shot that little fellow I couldn't be able to look my boys in the face again."  

Soon the news spread about this incident and cartoonist Clifford Berryman in the Washington Post drawn this picture on Nov. 16, 1902.  Russian immigrant, Morris Michtom, saw this cartoon. He and his wife, Rose, ran a small candy and stationery store in Brooklyn, New York.  They created a bear, named it "Teddy's Bear" and placed it in the window of their store.  The bear was sold quickly.

At that time they were creating stuffed toys and in 1903 they started making stuffed Teddy bear.

Picture is taken from


  This week's Riddle

He was younger to his brothers
Betrayed by his own brothers
but exalted by God in a foreign land
because he walked in the ways of God
Who he was?

Kids, who will be able to answer correctly, their names will be published
here.  While answering please do not forget to write your
"name" and "age"  To send your answers click here

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